These orchids enjoy swampy conditions and only
flower after fire. Although the life cycle is not know for certain,
it is known that all plants die after flowering and the next generation of
plants come from seed. Somehow tubers are formed which lay dormant
for many years until the next fire. After taking these photos a
frost occurred that night and most orchids had died, however 3 days later,
as many if not more orchids had flowered. Truly rapid flowering. Photographed at
the Grampians National Park. Picking orchids is illegal. Orchid
plants shown were collected by a licensed person and will be used in
research on the plant. It is hoped to extract the fungi associated with
this orchid and use this to help grow the plant from seed. Seed was
to be obtained from other flowers in this area. |
Details (Vic):
Flowering: Flowering
August - November, mainly September to October.
Size: Up to 10cm
tall, flowers - usually 1 to 4, to 25mm across
Endemic, Rare.